About TACL
Te Atinimarawa Company Limited produces sands and different types of gravels from crushing coral stones and boulders. Mixed aggregates and boulders are also available for sales to the general public.
Most of the dredging activities to obtain the required raw materials are taking place at the “resource area” within Tarawa lagoon using the dredging vessel LC Tekimarawa. The raw materials are also sourced at times from three other locations MTC channel, Nippon Causeway Channel and LC Tekimarawa turning basin. In compliance with the Environment (Amendment) Act 2007, TACL is required to obtain an Environment license from the Environment and Conservation Department prior commencing and dredging operation. A separate license is required for dredging from each of the above area.
TACL is also renting out of heavy plants (excavator, front loader, and tipper trucks) and chartering the dredging vessel to the general public as part of its business activities.
Related Contents
Mission Statement
Board of Directors
Our Staff Members
Company Structure